ARC 642 Architectural Theory and Design Research

Documenting the research, thoughts, and potential conclusion on the role of architectural imagery through past, present, and futures.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin- Contrasts

Giovanni Panini - Interior of a Picture Gallery

James Stuart and Nicholas Revett, Antiquities of Athens

Week 5 - PRAAAB 1

This week focuses on the influence of 16th to 19th century architectural images, works, and their producers. Teams of two were assigned to create a Press Release (PR), an Academic Abstract (AA), an an Annotated Bibliography (AB) of their assigned topic.

This week's topics:

Sebastiano Serlio
Gerard Desargues
John Bernhard Fischer von Erlach
James Stuart and Nicholas Revett - Justin & Francesca
Encyclopedie (Diderot and d’Alembert) - Jessica & Grant
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand
Joseph Michael Gandy
Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin - Adrienne & Victoria
John Ruskin

Week 5

insobriety, bureaucracy, charisma, and antiquity

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 4 - Ranciere Reference

Week 4 - Lewis Payne photographed by Alexander Gardner

Week 4


Jacques Ranciere, "the Future of the Image" and "The Surface of Design," in The Future of the Image, trans. G. Elliot, London: Verso, 2007 [2003], 1-31, 91-107.

Jacques Ranciere, "The Pensive Image," in The Emancipated Spectator, trans. G. Elliot, London: Verso, 2009, 107-32.

Oliver Davis, Jacques Ranciere, Cambridge; Polity, 2010, 126-59, 185-90.

Week 3 - Datson, Galison, and Wittgenstein

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 3 - Sewell Wright's Genetic Landscape

Week 3


James Elkins, The Domain of Images, 3-67, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999.

Svetlana Alpers, The Art of Describing: Dutch Art in the Seventeenth Century,Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983, 26-71.

Lorraine Datson and Peter Galison, "The Image of Objectivity," Representations 40 (Fall 1992): 81-128.